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Our Kickstarter is half way to our end date!

Thank you SO much for your support in the first half of our Kickstarter project!  It means SO much and is really appreciated.  Please keep sharing the Kickstarter with your friends, family, and kind strangers. Here's a short link to share --- .  

Currently, the project is 21% funded.  We'd love to push that to 75% by January 1, 2014.  Our Kickstarter ends on January 9, 2014 at 8 p.m. MST and we need to be at or above $20,000 to get any of the money we've raised with our Kickstarter campaign.  If we don't get there, it WILL NOT stop us from moving forward, but it will slow us down a lot.  Our heart in this business is to be able to not only give our community some amazing pie, but to support youth at risk of incarceration, homelessness, and exploitation to have a first chance at employment which will give them a good foot to step into their future.  We can't do that if we don't have a mobile pie shop up and running.  The faster we can get our mobile pie shop up and running, then the faster we get to begin the youth employment piece of our business.

Again, thanks for your support!  Please consider passing this Kickstarter onto the people in your life.  We'd appreciate it!   There are some AMAZING rewards attached to the backer levels.  MAKE SURE TO CHECK THEM OUT!