We take baking pie advice from mainly three people: Barbara Jean Lott (grandmother), Diane Lott (mother), and Martha Stewart. While making pies, we constantly think "make it COLD, bake it HOT" - advice from Martha Stewart and words to live by. So, when The Long I Pie Shop was invited by the Colorado Makers to a party where staff from the Martha Stewart American Made series would be there how could we say no. Why would we? On a windy, rainy night in August, we all gathered at the Bread Bar in Silver Plume, Colorado, enjoyed a game of nails led by Stephen of Peak Spirits, ate some delicious food made by Amy of Stitch & Hammer, and drank lovely cocktails mixed by Shae with her bitters from Dram Apothecary. All of this got topped off by pie from The Long I Pie Shop, after dark, around a roaring fire. It was heaven. Other makers in attendance were Western Daughters Butcher, Azure Furniture, and Beet & Yarrow. We felt honored to be amongst such established, creative, kind makers.
Check out the Colorado Makers on Martha Stewart American Made!
And here's where we sang Happy Birthday to Martha Stewart! Her editor, Lauren, said she'd email it to her. Eek!